A set of 3 coordinated Research Projects serve as study vehicles to improve D&I science in addiction by reducing variation and increasing standardization in measures and methods, translating and harmonizing data across studies, and using agent-based and economic modeling to scientifically respond rather than merely react to substance-related epidemics and health care disparities.

Project 1

C-DIAS Research Project 1 (PI: C. Hendricks Brown) engages a constellation of 3 county systems to model interventions and implementation strategies to reduce overdose death from opioids and increasingly stimulants.

Project 2

C-DIAS Research Project 2 (PI: Sara Becker) evaluates the implementation of contingency management for a rising stimulant problem in specialty public addiction treatment programs across a state system of care.

Project 3

C-DIAS Research Project 3 (PI: Joe Glass), conducted within a private healthcare system, aims to scale up digital treatments for complex patients with substance use disorders.

Bonus Project 4

C-DIAS Bonus Project 4, Stagewise Implementation-To-Target: Medications for Addiction Treatment (SITT-MAT; 1R01DA052975-01A1), uses an innovative stagewise implementation-to-target approach, within an adaptive implementation strategy trial design, to expand access to medications for opioid use disorder in addiction treatment programs and primary care clinics. The relative impact of 5 possible paths of implementation strategies on RE-AIM target outcomes: reach, effectiveness, adoption, and implementation quality will be evaluated.

The four projects utilize common measures and metrics, and optimize the opportunity to advance and accelerate findings to contribute to the design and development D&I research projects and programs beyond C-DIAS. Standardization and harmonization across the field holds promise for substantial improvement in the current state of independent research findings that can neither be interpreted or generalized.